Week 16 Quiz
Herod the Great
- Which descendent of Abraham was the ancestor of Herod the Great?
- What religion did Herod the Great practice?
- Who did Herod the Great worship?
- What temples did Herod build?
- Did Herod erect idols?
- True or false: Herod was stingy, and hoarded his wealth.
- Where did Herod's wealth come from?
- Aside from the usual gold, silver, and precious stones, what
unique gift was Herod famous for?
The Rise of Rome
- Who is the king of the south?
- Who is the king of the north?
- Who attacked first, and in which direction?
- Who had more ships?
- Who had bigger ships?
- Who had the biggest army?
- Who won?
- What were some factors that decided the victory?
- What three countries did the victor give up on conquering?
- How did Cleopatra deal with the top Roman generals who came to Egypt?
- Who were these generals?
- How did Cleopatra die?
- What happened to her children?
- What happened to the generals?