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Week 18 Quiz

Matthew's Account

  1. Why did the disciple want to show Jesus the sights in Jerusalem?
  2. What things did Jesus say were NOT signs of His coming?
  3. How are the things that are not signs like birth pangs?
  4. If someone says they are Christ, how will we know if it's true?
  5. Why will the Great Tribulation be cut short?
  6. Who sponsored the false messiahs in 66 AD?
  7. What is the BIG sign of the end?
  8. What is another requirement before the end will come?
  9. What did Jesus mean by "this generation will not pass away"?
  10. What are some of the 38 reasons why the rapture will be in 2038?
  11. Who is on the "need to know" list for when Jesus will return?
  12. What take home message for His 2nd coming did Jesus emphasize?