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Shadowland: Redemption: Week 32
Exodus 33: The Repentance of the People
- 33:3 "I will not go with you" - this was a conditional covenant,
and the people had flagrantly broken their end of it. So they
lose the sensible presence of God.
Exodus 23:20-33
How often when we sin, we feel that God is distant and our prayers go
no further than the ceiling.
- 33:7 This tent outside the camp was a meeting place in lieu of
the tabernacle which had not yet been built.
- 33:12 At this point the tabernacle was canceled, for God would no
longer dwell with them. But Moses intercedes.
- 33:17 God was pleased to do what Moses asked as a friend.
In Christ, we call Him "Daddy", and ask as His children.
Romans 8:15,
John 1:12
- 33:19 "I will be gracious to whom I will be gracious" - these are the
names of God that He will proclaim as He passes by.
- 33:20 "No one may see me and live" - compare 33:11
Isaiah 6:1-3
Revelation 22:4