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Shadowland: Redemption: Week 6
Exodus 6
starting with 5:22
- 6:3 "I was not fully known to them" - "All these people were still living
by faith when they died. They did not receive the things promised; they
only saw them and welcomed them from a distance, admitting that they
were foreigners and strangers on earth."
Hebrews 11:13
- 6:6-8 Seven "I wills", compare
Genesis 17:6-8.
- "I will bring you out from under the yoke" - "Would you be free
from the burden of sin..."
- "I will free you from being slaves" - it is one thing to take the
Israelites out of slavery, and another thing to take the slavery
out of the Israelites. In the same way, we are delivered from
both the guilt and power of sin. "Be of sin the double cure,
save from wrath, and make me pure."
- "I will redeem you" - bought with the blood of the passover lamb
- "I will take you as my own" - Israel will be attached to God, as
prophecied in the naming of Levi, "attached", in
Genesis 29:34.
How fitting that the instrument to bring this about is from the
tribe of Levi!
As Israel are slaves to Pharaoh, but will belong to Jehovah
instead, so we who were slaves to sin, are now servants of Christ.
- "I will be your God"
- "I will bring you to the land"
- "I will give it to you as a possession" - which will be fully
realized when Messiah returns.
- 6:9 "and they hearkened not for discouragement and hard labor" - the
promised result could not be seen, and they did not fully know the LORD.
- 6:11 "let the Israelites go out of the country" - now Pharaoh gets
the full demand.
- 6:12 Moses repeats this objection, but this time suggests it wasn't
just about Hebrew as a second language.
- 6:14-16 Reiterates
Genesis 46:9-11.
In rehearsing the first three sons of Jacob, we are reminded of the
prophecies of Leah in naming them.
- 6:18 "Kohath lived 133 years" - We know from Genesis 46 that Kohath was
already born when Jacob went to Egypt. Amram lived to 137, and Moses
was 80 when Israel leaves Egypt. So, at *most* they are there 350
years, and the traditional interpretation of
Genesis 15:13
is wrong:
they sojourn 400 years in a land not their own, which included
Caanan at that time.
According the Paul, they were in Egypt 270 years, and the oppression
was not much more than the last 80 (but I'm sure it seemed like 400).