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Week 7 Quiz
Reassurance of Moses
- Is there a non-miraculous way to change a staff into a live serpent?
- Was Aaron's rod that became a serpent actually a miracle? Why or why not?
- Why does the Hebrew call what Aaron's rod changed into a "sea monster"
as well as a "serpent"?
- What is the significance of Aaron's serpent eating the serpents of
the magicians?
- Which Egyptian god did the Aaron's serpent attack? What was his/her
role in Egyptian cosmology?
- What difficulties does the text itself present for the Nile changing to
literal blood?
- How does the text support literal blood?
- What Egyptian god was attacked by the Nile becoming blood?
- What does the 10th plague suggest concerning whether the Nile blood
was literal?
- Who hardened Pharoah's heart?