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Shadowland: Beginnings: Week 29
A Bride for Isaac
In Isaac and Rebeccah, we see a type of Christ and the Church, while
the unnamed servant is a type of the Holy Spirit.
- 24:2 "servant of his house that ruled over all he had". The servant is
unnamed here, but we know from 15:2 that his name is Eliezer, which
means "comforter". The Holy Spirit does not speak of Himself, but
glorifies the Son. John 16:13-14
- 24:6 Like Christ, Isaac never left Caanan. "thither again", when Christ
comes again, it will be for judgement and vengeance. Jesus stops
reading Isaiah 61 before "and the day of vengeance of our God."
Luke 4:18-20
- 24:8 "And if the woman will not be willing" - Rebeccah had free will
(but see 24:14).
- 24:10 "Nahor" means "snoring", as of a sleeping man.
- 24:12 The servant intercedes in prayer, as does the Holy Spirit.
- 24:14 "she that Thou hast appointed for thy servant Isaac" - Rebeccah
was predestined to be Isaacs wife (but see 24:8).
- 24:16 "she went down to the well": Genesis 16:7, Genesis 21:19, Genesis 29,
Exodus 2:15, John 4
- 24:22 The servant gives gifts, as does the Holy Spirit.
- 24:34-48 The servant brings to remembrance all things concerning
this matter. John 14:26
- 24:62 Isaac is not mentioned in the record from when he is offered on the
altar, until he meets his bride. Genesis 22:19
- 24:63 Isaac is in the habit of daily communion with God by a well.