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Week 2 Quiz
- Recite the first 16 Hebrew letters.
- Recite the first 7 Hebrew words of Genesis
- Is Genesis literal or figurative?
- What is the literal meaning of Genesis 1?
- Q. How could God create the world in 6 days?
A. He didn't have an installed base.
- How old does the Bible say the earth is?
- How old does modern cosmology say the universe is?
- What was wrong with the second day?
- What rules the day?
- What rules the night?
- What is the purpose of the sun, moon, and stars?
- What is the frame of reference for the 6 days according to Young Earth?
- What is the frame of reference for the 6 days according to Big Bang?
- What is the frame of reference for the 6 days according to Augustine?
- What is the frame of reference for the 6 days according to Day Age?