
Patriarchs Timeline

Year of Adam  Birth (~Death)
1056       Noah
1558          Shem
1656 ~~~~~~~~~~98~Flood~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
1658          100 Arphaxad
1693              35 Salah
1723                 30 Eber
1757                    34 Peleg
1787                       30 Reu
1819                          32 Serug
1849                             30 Nahor
1878                                29 Terah
1948                                   70 Abram
1996                      239 ~Peleg
1997                               148 ~Nahor
2006       950 ~Noah
2008                                  130 Abram2
2023                                      75 -Abram
2048                                     100 Isaac
2026                         239 ~Reu
2049                            230 ~Serug
2083                                  205 ~Terah
2083                                      75 -Abram2
2096             438 ~Arphaxad
2108                                         60 Jacob
2108                                     100 Isaac2
2123                                     175 ~Abram
2126                433 ~Salah
2158          600 ~Shem
2168                                         60 Jacob2
2183                                     175 ~Abram2
2187                   464 ~Eber
2215						47 Reuben
2228                                            60 Benjamin
2228                                        180 ~Isaac
2255                                           147 ~Jacob
2288                                        180 ~Isaac2
2315                                           147 ~Jacob2
Compare this genealogy with Luke 3:36 and 1 Chronicles 1:18. Was Cainan ben Arphaxad a mistake on Lukes part? As always, there are two theories. The mainstream theory is that it was a transcription error which does not appear in earlier copies. The "King James Only" theory is that it was an adoptive son of Arphaxad that raised Salah. As always, I note that both may be true! God has a reason for allowing transcription errors - perhaps there really was an adopted Cainan, and the Luke genealogy is about adoption!