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Coming of the King: Week 45
We continue with the theme of envy, of the pivotal importance of
the Jewish leaders' rejection of John the Baptist, and add
the coming replacement of Israel as keepers of the vineyard.
- 21:25 The leaders rejection of John the Baptist prevented them
from accepting their Messiah.
- 21:27 "we do not know" - this was a lie. They could have
said "we prefer not to say", but being consumed by
envy, they were controlled by their father, the devil,
who is a liar from the beginning.
John 8:44
- 21:29 "changed his mind and went" - actions speak louder than words.
- 21:32 Again, John the Baptist was the Forerunner.
- 21:37 "sent his Son" - Jesus, "last of all" - the final Prophet.
- 21:38 "seize His inheritance" - the Jewish leaders
will deliver Him up for envy
Matthew 27:18.
This ties back to the problem of envy in our previous lessons.
- 21:39 "slew Him" - at this point the course of the Jewish leaders
is set. A few individuals will jump ship.
- 21:41 "Those wretches" - the Pharisees were caught up in the parable.
Such evident dishonesty was something they understood and despised.
- 21:43 "produce its fruit" - tying back to the fig tree and their
condemnation by John the Baptist.
This condemnation of the Jewish leaders is repeated by
Stephen in
Acts 7:51-53.
- 21:45 "They knew Jesus was speaking about them." - the meaning was
not lost on them.