Home Quiz
Coming of the King: Week 47
Whose Wife?
- 22:28 "whose wife" - notice that they did not consider it a problem
for a husband to have multiple wives in the next life, only the other way
around. Their assumptions are not even valid for this world.
- 22:29 "ye do err" - Their rejection of the resurrection was based on false
assumptions. How many truths do we discard because of false assumptions?
- 22:33 "astonished at His teaching" - Luke tells us that some of
the Scribes said, "Teacher, you have spoken well!"
Luke 20:39
The Greatest Commandment
- 22:35 "tested Him" - Mark reports that the Scribe was genuinely
interested, and after the exchange Jesus says,
"You are not far from the kingdom of God.”
Mark 12:34
- 22:37 "Love the Lord your God"
Deuteronomy 6:5
- 22:39 "Love your neighbor as yourself"
Leviticus 19:18
- 22:40 "hang on these two" - Mark reports the Scribe as adding
"these are more important than burnt offerings and sacrifices".
Whose Son is the Christ?
- 22:42 "Son of David" - the common Messianic title. But the Pharisees
were the first Arians - seeing the Messiah as human, even
super-human, but not divine.
- 22:44 "sit at my right hand"
Psalm 110 -
as Rachel prophesied in
Genesis 35:18.
- 22:45 "How can He be both David's son and Lord?" - minds blown.
- 22:46 contest over - victory: Jesus!