Home Quiz
Coming of the King: Week 59
- 26:31 "be offended" - root word "skandalon" from which we get "scandal".
This is the same word as in
Zechariah 13
- 26:32 "go ahead of you" - "and was seen by over 500".
1 Corinthians 15:3-8
- 26:35 "yet I will not deny thee" - in the hour of trial, the disciples
failed. Only Jesus stood firm in the face of a far greater ordeal.
- 26:37 "heavy" - "pressed down". "Gethsemane" means "olive press",
and our King was being pressed out like oil. Luke
notes that His sweat was drops of blood - pressed out by
enormous weight of our sin.
- 26:38 "Abide with me" -
fast falls the eventide. The darkness deepens, Lord with
me abide. Our King longs for our company. His intimate
friends failed, but He never fails. We may be faithless,
but He remains faithful.
- 26:39 "not my will, but Thine" - some say it is always
God's will to heal. This suggests otherwise.
- 26:40 "found them asleep" - not from indifference, but from
the intensity of their sympathy with His grief.
Luke 22:45
Their spirit was willing, but their flesh was weak.
- 26:44 "prayed a third time" - Paul also prayed three times
that his suffering might be removed.
2 Corinthians 12:8
- 26:45 "sinners" - the term for gentiles at the time. Jesus must
be sentenced to death by the Romans. The Sceptre had
departed from Judah 20 years prior.
"Sleep now??" - the betrayer was at hand, they must be awake
and think of their own personal safety. "Fly you fools!!" -
Obi Wan, and Gandalf.