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  • Scripture in Song
  • Medieval Muses
  • Boring Blog
  • Boring Blog

    Jun 21, 2014

    I tried a
    5 hour studio recording session for $375. Here are some of the tunes I tried:

    A Rock Song, streaming ogg.

    The Platypus, streaming ogg.

    Nov 3, 2013

    Two more medieval tunes: The Great Forerunner, a very catchy beat (midi, streaming ogg, MP3) and The Royal Banners Forward Go, (streaming ogg) which makes me picture knights limping off to a crusade (midi).

    Aug 22, 2013

    I wrote another song for our 2012 anniversary, but Julie did not like it: The Silver and Gold of Her Hair, streaming ogg.

    Jan 1, 2013

    Stayed up with Sharon Kriz and helped her write the first verse of a song: When Hope Has Passed, with a mechanical MIDI translation to check my work.

    Sep 16, 2012

    Wrote up Two Stalwart Trees are Planted, with a mechanical MIDI translation to check my work.

    Sep 10, 2012

    Wrote up O Lux Beata Trinitas, with a mechanical MIDI translation to check my work, streaming ogg.

    Dec 11, 2010

    The kids are gone, and Julie is with her Mother, so I did one take of Metamorphosis of Love, which I wrote for our anniversary. Words and music here.

    Aug 21, 2010

    Wrote up The Word Whom Earth and Sea and Sky, with a mechanical MIDI translation to check my work.

    Digital Recorder

    I finally have a recorder after all these years. Julie bought me a Fostex MR8 and some microphones. I am still learning how to use it, but here I share my progress. There is still some distraction with little Gail reaching her hands out to twist some knobs - so you'll hear the volume cutting in and out on some of the parts.

    I have one big complaint about the unit. The USB interface is proprietary, and requires a Windoze driver. Fortunately, you can simply put the CF card into a reader and transfer files to/from a big computer. The MR-8 records 16-bit digital samples. It can record 2 channels while playing and mixing 6. Because it is only 16-bits, you have to get the scaling just right when recording to avoid audible quantization on soft parts.

    The nice thing is, it is small, portable, and can even run on batteries (6 AA) - so I expect to use it even when I'm rich and have a full 24-bit setup with hard disk.

    Some Rights Reserved 2.0 All samples in 128 bit MP3 format. Music by Stuart D. Gathman, copyright Stuart D. Gathman, and licensed under a Creative Commons License.

    You can also listen to all hymns, or goto Scripture in Song. Check out the internet radio station.

    Jan 27, 2010

    Jan 16, 2010

    Jan 3, 2010

    Dec 22, 2005

    Dec 18, 2005

    Dec 04, 2005

    Oct 06, 2005

    Aug 10, 2005

    Jul 30, 2005

    May 22, 2005

    May 06, 2005

    Feb 05, 2005

    Jan 23, 2005

    Jan 21, 2005

    Jan 19, 2005

    Musical Offerings

    I was first introduced to the Crab Canon (MIDI) in Gödel Escher Bach by Douglas Hofstadter.

    Hymns transcribed to ABC notation format.

    Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott PDF ABC The original German is much more interesting than the anglicized version.
    All my Heart is fixed on Thee PDF ABC A passionate 16th century hymn
    Hark the Herald Angels Sing PDF ABC
    Be not afraid PDF ABC

    Some MIDI sequences used to help learn pieces for our recorder ensemble:

  • Canzon XII
  • Christmas Night
  • Hallelujah Chorus
  • In Jubilo Deo

  • Medieval Muses

    Arrangements by Stuart D. Gathman, copyright Stuart D. Gathman.
    Licensed under a Creative Commons License.

    The Great Forerunner has a very catchy beat:

    For Daily Office.

    Noonday As Now the Sun

    For the Feast of John the Baptist.

    The Royal Banners Forward Go makes me picture knights limping off to a crusade

    Two Stalwart Trees are Planted, with a mechanical MIDI translation to check my work.

    O Lux Beata Trinitas is a soothing evensong,

    The Word Whom Earth and Sea and Sky is a Christmas song celebrating the incarnation of the Word, with a mechanical MIDI translation to check my work.

    Scripture in Song

    With the exception of Psalm 139 and 149, the following Scripture set to music takes the words verbatim from various translations, including King James Version, American Standard Version, and New Internation Version.
    To listen to all the scripture songs, click here.

    Music by Stuart D. Gathman, copyright Stuart D. Gathman.
    Licensed under a Creative Commons License.

    Some Rights Reserved 2.0
    Psalm 2 PDF ABC Not recorded yet
    Psalm 3 OGG PDF ABC 2023 One Take recording
    Psalm 4 OGG PDF ABC 2024 One Take recording
    Psalm 11 OGG PDF ABC 2024 One Take recording
    Psalm 13 OGG PDF ABC 2024 One Take recording
    Psalm 14 OGG PDF 2024 One Take recording
    Psalm 19 PDF ABC Not recorded yet
    Psalm 32 OGG PDF ABC 2024 One Take recording
    Psalm 37 OGG PDF ABC 2022 One Take recording and Lead sheet in D minor
    PDF ABC Lead sheet in B minor
    Psalm 42 MP3 PDF ABC 1999 recording with Beth Gathman
    MP3 2005 recording at Truro Chapel
    Psalm 58 MP3 PDF ABC 1999 recording with Beth Gathman
    MP3 Live performance at Assembly of God church
    Psalm 62 MP3 PDF ABC 1999 recording with Beth Gathman
    Psalm 63 MP3 PDF ABC 1999 recording with Beth Gathman
    Psalm 64 MP3 PDF ABC 1999 recording with Beth Gathman
    Psalm 65 MP3 PDF ABC 1999 recording with Beth Gathman
    MP3 Live recording at Casa De Oro Baptist Church
    Psalm 66 OGG PDF ABC 2022 One Take recording
    Psalm 67 MP3 PDF ABC 1999 recording with Beth Gathman
    Psalm 86 MP3 PDF ABC 1999 recording with Beth Gathman and Lead sheet
    Psalm 86 PDF ABC MIDI Score, MIDI Percussion by Jonathan Gathman
    Psalm 95 OGG PDF ABC 2022 One Take recording
    Psalm 96 MP3 PDF ABC 1999 recording with Beth Gathman
    Psalm 139 MP3 PDF ABC Elissa and Stuart try a duet on the new recorder
    Psalm 149 Not recorded yet
    Psalm 150 MP3 PDF ABC 1999 recording with Beth Gathman
    Isaiah 52 OGG PDF ABC 2022 One Take recording
    Isaiah 53 MP3 PDF ABC 1999 recording with Beth Gathman
    MP3 2005 recording with timidity virtual piano
    Isaiah 54 PDF ABC Not recorded yet

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