[Pymilter] Recognizing dynamic IPs
Stuart D. Gathman
stuart at bmsi.com
Wed Nov 24 09:31:59 EST 2004
I have 0.7.2 in production on 2 machines. Seems pretty stable. A very
useful feature of 0.7.2 is recognizing dynamic PTR records. You know,
things like "adsl-57.76.154.info.com.ph".
I have a very heuristic function to do this. Ideas on improving it
are welcome.
# examples we don't yet recognize:
# 1Cust65.tnt4.atl4.da.uu.net at ('', 4588)
# 1Cust141.tnt30.rtm1.nld.da.uu.net at ('', 2036)
# user64.net2045.mo.sprint-hsd.net at ('', 3901)
# wiley-268-8196.roadrunner.nf.net at ('', 4810)
# 221.fib163.satnet.net at ('', 3301)
# BHE214126.res-com.wayinternet.com.br at ('', 3528)
# ZR093223.ppp.dion.ne.jp at ('', 3593)
# cpc2-ches1-4-0-cust8.lutn.cable.ntl.com at ('', 61099)
# docsis8-179.sby.link.net.id at ('', 1440)
# user239.res.openband.net at ('', 1392)
# S010600e0299501e5.rd.shawcable.net at ('', 1838)
# xdsl-2449.zgora.dialog.net.pl at ('', 1238)
import re
ip3 = re.compile('([0-9]{1,3})[.-]([0-9]{1,3})[.-]([0-9]{1,3})')
rehmac = re.compile('h[0-9a-f]{12}[.]|pcp[0-9]{6,10}pcs[.]|no-reverse')
def is_dynip(host,addr):
"""Return True if hostname is for a dynamic ip.
>>> is_dynip('post3.fabulousdealz.com','')
>>> is_dynip('adsl-69-208-201-177.dsl.emhril.ameritech.net','')
if addr:
if host.find(addr) >= 0: return True
a = addr.split('.')
m = ip3.search(host)
if m:
g = list(m.groups())
if g == a[1:] or g == a[:3]: return True
if g == a[1:] or g == a[:3]: return True
if rehmac.search(host): return True
if host.find("-%s." % '-'.join(a[2:])) >= 0: return True
if host.find("w%s." % '-'.join(a[:2])) >= 0: return True
if host.find(''.join(a[:3])) >= 0: return True
if host.find(''.join(a[1:])) >= 0: return True
x = "%02x%02x%02x%02x" % tuple(map(int,a))
if host.lower().find(x) >= 0: return True
z = [n.zfill(3) for n in a]
if host.find('-'.join(z)) >= 0: return True
if host.find("-%s." % '-'.join(z[2:])) >= 0: return True
if host.find("%s." % ''.join(z[2:])) >= 0: return True
if host.find(''.join(z)) >= 0: return True
return False
Stuart D. Gathman <stuart at bmsi.com>
Business Management Systems Inc. Phone: 703 591-0911 Fax: 703 591-6154
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