[Pymilter] RE: PEmulating another MimeDefang function

Larry G. Wapnitsky LWapnitsky at ph.wrtdesign.com
Fri Nov 25 11:27:39 EST 2011

Further update - it's Outlook that's causing the issue...Thunderbird and
Gmail web show it properly.

Larry G. Wapnitsky MBA, MCSE, MCP+I
WRT  |  Wallace Roberts & Todd, LLC
1700 Market Street, 28th Fl
Philadelphia, PA 19103
T  215.430.5068
C  215.713.8635
E  lwapnitsky at WRTdesign.com

-----Original Message-----
From: Larry G. Wapnitsky 
Sent: Friday, November 25, 2011 11:16 AM
To: 'pymilter at bmsi.com'
Subject: RE: PEmulating another MimeDefang function

Solved the HTML issue...now working on the attachment issue.

Larry G. Wapnitsky MBA, MCSE, MCP+I
WRT  |  Wallace Roberts & Todd, LLC
1700 Market Street, 28th Fl
Philadelphia, PA 19103
T  215.430.5068
C  215.713.8635
E  lwapnitsky at WRTdesign.com

-----Original Message-----
From: Larry G. Wapnitsky 
Sent: Friday, November 25, 2011 8:12 AM
To: 'pymilter at bmsi.com'
Subject: RE: PEmulating another MimeDefang function

Update - I've managed two separate things over the past few days, but
neither is accomplishing exactly what I need.

1)  I can get the body back along with the attachments, but no matter
what I define as the attachment name, Outlook (or any other apps) sees
them as ATT#####.txt

2)  I can't seem to keep the formatting of the original message.

Larry G. Wapnitsky MBA, MCSE, MCP+I
WRT  |  Wallace Roberts & Todd, LLC
1700 Market Street, 28th Fl
Philadelphia, PA 19103
T  215.430.5068
C  215.713.8635
E  lwapnitsky at WRTdesign.com


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