[Pymilter] milter.setreply exception

Tom Hendrikx tom at whyscream.net
Tue Mar 19 12:31:32 EDT 2013

On 03/19/2013 05:28 PM, Steve Foster wrote:
> On Tue, 19 Mar 2013, Tom Hendrikx wrote:
>> 200 is no valid SMTP reply code. I serached for a rfc reference and
>> found this: http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc876
>> To solve your problem, do:
>> self.setreply('250','2.0.0','All OK')
> Thanks for the suggestion... still doesn't work though.
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/Milter/__init__.py", line 759, in <lambda>
>     milter.set_envrcpt_callback(lambda ctx,*str:
> ctx.getpriv().envrcpt(*str))
>   File "pymilter.py", line 83, in envrcpt
>     self.setreply('250','2.0.0','All OK')
>   File "/Milter/__init__.py", line 438, in setreply
>     return self._ctx.setreply(rcode,xcode,msg,*ml)
> milter.error: cannot set reply
> This feels like something more fundamental... For example I can add and
> remove headers.

Can you show us a bit more code, so we can see if you're doing stuff in
the wrong order or something like that?


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