[Pymilter] PyMilter question

Stuart D. Gathman stuart at gathman.org
Tue Dec 13 14:21:29 EST 2016

On Tue, 13 Dec 2016, Philippe Lagadec wrote:

> Do you know if I can do it in the Milter.envrcpt method? And if so, which 
> result shall it return instead of Milter.CONTINUE, is it Milter.ACCEPT?

Milter.ACCEPT should skip all remaining callbacks.  Note that there
can be multiple recipients.  You probably want to wait until the 
DATA callback and ACCEPT unless your test recipients are the
only recipients.

> I looked for a documentation of the milter protocol/process, but I haven't 
> found any so far.

The documentation is linked from README, but is at

> Also, I have found several code repositories for pymilter:
> https: //github.com/jmehnle/pymilter
> https: //sourceforge.net/projects/pymilter/
> https: //github.com/sdgathman/pymilter

The project is recently moved to github and converted from CVS to git.
Sourceforge has the last official release, before python3 support.
You'll also find releases at https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pymilter/

Please use the github master if you can and report any problems.  The
next release will be 1.1 and support python3.  Milters are working with
py3, but there are still choices to be made as to what is bytes/str in
the API.  I'll make a minor release (1.0.2) if you want to be sure not to 
conflict.  The rpms build for fedora and epel.

 	      Stuart D. Gathman <stuart at gathman.org>
"Confutatis maledictis, flamis acribus addictis" - background song for
a Microsoft sponsored "Where do you want to go from here?" commercial.

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