[Pymilter] milter multiprocess (or multithread)

Stuart D. Gathman stuart at gathman.org
Thu Dec 12 11:59:01 EST 2019

On Thu, 12 Dec 2019, Sami-Pekka Hallikas wrote:

> Years ago I did found out that almost all signals are ignored when running 
> threads.
> I managed to build my program to use threads, and quit nicely, by watching 
> external files. So I send 'signals' to my program just using files...
> Like watching if config file is updated, reload it. If "pid file" is missing, 
> quit, etc.

I've found "Magic HELO" useful with milters.  Connect to sendmail
on port 587, send a HELO with a command in place of a hostname 
and use SMTP AUTH.  (clueless admins send invalid HELOs all the time -
why not use them for something useful?)  The milter checks for
the "admin" auth_user and then interprets HELO as a command.

 	      Stuart D. Gathman <stuart at gathman.org>
"Confutatis maledictis, flammis acribus addictis" - background song for
a Microsoft sponsored "Where do you want to go from here?" commercial.

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