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Shadowland: Redemption: Week 14
The First Trial
Moses and the Israelites are celebrating because their 3 day journey into
the wilderness has turned into deliverance from bondage. Note that once
again we have both the guilt and the power of sin illustrated. They
were redeemed by the lamb from the judgement that was upon both them and
the Egyptians. But that redemption did not mean much until they were
delivered from the power of Egypt.
- 15:3 "The LORD is a warrior" - an aspect of God that is unpopular today.
Recall the picture painted in
Genesis 49:11,
Isaiah 63, and
Revelation 19:11-16.
- 15:7 "those who opposed you" - it is God Himself that Pharaoh fought
against. Psalm 2
- 15:14-16 A prophecy of the conquest of Caanan,
Joshua 2:10.
- 15:19 "on dry ground" - this is what makes the Red Sea crossing clearly
- 15:25 A tree makes bitter waters sweet, as the cross makes bitter
trials sweet. "The apostles left the Sanhedrin, rejoicing because they had been counted worthy of suffering disgrace for the Name."
Acts 5:41
- 15:26 Obedience is the path of blessing. Note that it is God who
heals us, but it is often, as here, through earthly
means that he provides.