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Shadowland: Redemption: Week 20
Laws of Servants, Personal Injury, and Property Damage
Now we get into civil laws for the nation. But even these have a spiritual
as well as a legal level. I am not a lawyer, and perhaps a lawyer can
provide more insight on the legal aspects.
- 21:1 "judgements" - as opposed to the commandments just given.
Psalm 19:7-9
- 21:2 "in the seventh he shall go out free" - In the American Colonies we
also limited servitude to 7 years. Israel stopped observing this law beginning
with the kings. As judgement drew nigh, even their repentance was a joke. Jeremiah 34:8-11. The
first permanent slave in the American Colonies was the case of John Casor in
1655. Before then, service was limited to 7 years - even for kidnapped African
slaves. This did not end when the United States were formed, and the "Civil
War" (actually war of secession) was prophesied by John Brown as a judgement on
the United States for slavery in 1859.
- 21:6 "pierce his ear" - speaking of Christ,
Psalm 40:6, the
psalmist says "mine ear hast thou digged". Jesus voluntarily chose to
remain in the form of a servant forever, Phillipians 2:6-11, for the love of his wife and
- 21:7 literally, "bondwoman" - the same word as for Hagar. This
effectively prohibits "temporary marriages" as practiced under Islam.
- 21:13 A provision for manslaughter.
- 21:16 Dealth penalty for kidnapping
- 21:15,17 "Honor your father and mother" is very serious.
- 21:18 medical liability
- 21:20 Death penalty for killing your servant
- 21:21 "he is his money" - beating your servant throws your own
money down the drain.
- 21:22 In this scenario, the injury to the woman is accidental as
she attempts to interfere in a fight.
- 21:26 Any permanent injury to a servant terminates their service.
- 21:28 Liability for accidental injury from "heavy equipment".
- 21:29 Death penalty for criminal negligence, with a provision for
a civil penalty at the option of the victims family. The ransom of
a servant is fixed at 30 shekels - again foreshadowing Christ,
the suffering Servant.
Matthew 26:15
- 21:33 Liability for property damage.
- 21:35 Shared cost of accidental damage
- 21:36 Civil liability for negligence.