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Shadowland: Beginnings: Week 8
The Knowledge of Evil
Genesis 3
The steps of temptation
- 3:1 "Hath God said?" Doubt James 1:6
- 3:2 "And Eve said" Listening to the Devil James 4:7
- 3:3 "Neither touch it" Legalism, adding to the word of God Proverbs 30:6 Rev 22:18
"lest ye die" Altering the word of God
In Eve's defense, she heard it from Adam - so he may have garbled
the message.
- 3:4 "You shall not die" Contradicting the word of God
- 3:6 Rationalization 1 John 2:16
Forbidden Tree | 1 John 2:16 | | Temptation of Christ |
Good for food | Lust of the flesh | body | bread from stones |
Pleasant to the eyes | Lust of the eyes | soul | leap from the temple |
Desirable to make wise | Pride of life | spirit | ruler of the world |
The sin was not complete until Adam ate. Eve was deceived. Adam believed
Satan speaking through Eve rather than God. We died in Adam, not in Eve.
2 Corinthians 11:3
- 3:7 naked - no longer clothed in light Psalm 104:2, Matthew 17:2
fig leaves - the first religion demonstrates Man's inability to redeem
himself through works. Isaiah 64:6
- 3:8 hiding - sin is separation from God. Their attempt to replace
their lost glory with fig leaves left them afraid of God' presence.
- 3:9 "Where art thou?" - God seeks and saves that which was lost
- 3:12,13 Passing the buck. God gives Adam the opportunity to repent,
but he fails to do so. 1 John 1:9
- 3:14 cursed - Isaiah 65:25 much of the curse is undone, but the serpent
still eats dust
- 3:15 the woman - Revelation 12
- 3:16 multiply thy sorrow and travail (pain in childbirth)
- 3:17 because you heeded the *bad* advice of your wife against God's
explicit command. Elsewhere men are admonished by exhortation and
example to listen to their wives.
Christ the Second Adam
- 2:17 "Thou shalt surely die" - spiritual death, Psalm 22 Matthew 27:46
- 3:14 "cursed art thou" - Christ was made a curse for us Galatians 3:13
John 3:14
- 3:15 seed of the woman - kinsman redeemer, worthy to open the seals
Revelation 5:5
the two seeds - Christ and Anti-Christ
- 3:17 "in sorrow shalt thou eat of it" Isaiah 53:3
- 3:18 thorns Mark 15:17
- 3:19 "sweat of your brow" Luke 22:44
"to dust you shall return" Psalm 22:15
- 3:20 Adam speaks prophetically of the covenant in 3:21
- 3:21 coats of (lamb?) skin - "without the shedding of blood, there is no
remission of sin" Hebrews 9:22
"slain from the foundation of the world" Revelation 13:8
"Lord God" - the first new name for God, the covenant God.
Here is the covering for sin, typifying the the righteousness
of Christ whereby we are clothed.
- 3:22,23 Death is a judgement, but also a severe mercy that provides
the way to be delivered from sin: death and resurrection of spirit, soul,
body, and all of creation. Satan works from without to within. God works
from within to without, first redeeming the spirit, then the soul, then the
body, then creation.
- 3:24 "sword to bar the way" - sheathed in the side of the second Adam.
"Awake O sword against Thy Shepherd!" Zechariah 13:6,7
"placed" - cause to dwell as in Joshua 18:1. In other words,
God dwelt between the Cherubim (Psalm 99:1, 80:1; Isaiah 37:16),
and this is where Cain and Abel brought their sacrifices according to
the covenant of 3:21.
"guarded" - protected access to the tree of life until it
could be restored to mankind. Revelation 2:7