[Apologetics] Fwd: Abortion ban overturned

Dianne Dawson rcdianne at yahoo.com
Tue Jun 1 16:23:15 EDT 2004

SCCL <sccl at bellsouth.net> wrote:From: "SCCL" 
To: "SCCL" 
Subject: Abortion ban overturned
Date: Tue, 1 Jun 2004 16:00:09 -0400

To: SCCL e-mail tree
From: Holly Gatling, Executive Director
Subject: Clinton judge overturns abortion ban
Date: June 1, 2004

Clinton Judge overturns
Partial-Birth Abortion Ban

SAN FRANCISCO (June 1, 2004) -- A Clinton-appointed federal
judge has overturned the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act
signed into law by president Bush. Today's development
occurred in a lawsuit against the ban brought by the Planned
Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA) in the federal
district court in San Francisco.

The lawsuit before U.S. District Judge Phyllis Hamilton’s is
one of three challenging the legislation President Bush
signed last November. He said the law is necessary to stop
“a terrible form of violence. . . against children who are
inches from birth.” Two other lawsuits are pending before
federal judges in New York and Nebraska. The U.S. Supreme
Court ultimately will decide the issue. The Bush
administration is defending the law that bans the killing of
a partially delivered child.

Judge Hamilton issued a permanent injunction against
enforcement of the ban with respect to the groups that filed
that lawsuit. The injunction applies primarily to about 900
Planned Parenthood abortion businesses where approximately
one half the nations 1.3 million abortions are performed
each year.

Judge Hamilton found that the federal ban on partial-birth
abortion ran contrary to U.S. Supreme Court rulings,
especially Stenberg v. Carhart, handed down in 2000. In
Stenberg, five Supreme Court justices said that Roe v. Wade
required states to allow an abortionist to perform a
partial-birth abortion essentially whenever he sees fit.

A National Right to Life Committee spokesman commented
swiftly after the decision was handed down. "Judge
Hamilton's deep personal hostility to the law has been
evident throughout the judicial proceedings, and is evident
in many passages in her 117-page injunction," said NRLC
Legislative Director Douglas Johnson.

For example, although Congress found that the partial-birth
abortion method causes excruciating pain to the partly born
infant, Judge Hamilton dismissed this factor as
"irrelevant," saying that even if it is true it also would
apply to dismemberment of the fetus at the same stages.

On May 20, Senator Sam Brownback (R-Ks.) and Congressman
Chris Smith (R-NJ) introduced the Unborn Child Pain
Awareness Act. This bill would require that abortions
provide women seeking any type of abortion past 20 weeks
with certain information regarding the capacity of their
unborn children to experience pain and regarding the
availability of pain-reducing drugs. For more information
on the bill and on the issue of fetal pain, see

Johnson said, "Other district and appellate judges also will
be heard from during the months ahead. It is the U.S.
Supreme Court that will ultimately decide whether our
elected representatives can ban the practice of mostly
delivering a living premature infant and then puncturing her
skull. A one-vote shift on the Supreme Court would allow
the ban on partial-birth abortions to be upheld."

For further information, call 202-626-8825, send e-mail to
Legfederal at aol.com, or visit the NRLC website at

The National Right to Life Committee maintains the most
comprehensive collection of documentation on partial-birth
abortion available anywhere on the Internet, at

For a good primer on what the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act
does and does not do, and on other disputed issues
pertaining to partial-birth abortion, see the memo
"Partial-Birth Abortion: Misconceptions and Realities,"
A collection of key documents pertinent to medical
issues surrounding partial-birth abortion are posted here:

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Ps 42:1

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