Tornados: too enthralled to be really scared I have seen several tornados nearby. Although Fairfax, VA is not
normally thought of as a tornado area, we get 2 or 3 every year in the
late summer. I loved the Wizard of Oz, and was fascinated by the idea
of a tornado picking things up and (sometimes) setting them down again
When I was about 10, we were shopping, and Mom said we should go
home right away because there was a tornado warning. We got into the car and
hadn't gone far when the wind picked up and there was a roaring sound,
and then I saw it - a huge green funnel moving along as it twisted (we live
in Virginia, and tornados here are always green having mostly trees and
stuff to suck up). "Mom!", I said, "that is so awesome! Let's go
closer! I want to look!" She wouldn't answer me, but just kept driving
with her lips pressed really tight.
In 10th grade, a tornado passed through the parking lot of the
Christian (and rather strict) private school I attended, and picked up
a school bus. It dropped the school bus onto a liquor store several
miles away, demolishing the building and most of the stock. No one was
hurt, and both were covered by insurance, but the papers had a field
day with the ironic headlines. In photos, both the "Fairfax Christian
School" on the bus and the word "Liquor" on the sign were still visible
amid the wreckage
In 11th grade (now attending government school), a tornado passed through
the Kings Park subdivision and picked up half of a split level ranch,
the half without a basement, and set it down again 6 ft away. A friend
from school was sleeping in the half that was picked up. From his point
of view, he says the wind was really loud and shook the house, but he
went back to sleep. In the morning, the power was off, but nothing else
seemed amiss. Until he opened the bedroom door and almost fell into the
six foot gap between the bedroom and the hallway. The picture in the
paper the next day was pretty cool too.
Four years later, I was attending the local George Mason
University. A younger friend was at Woodson Highschool while a tornado
passed through the area. The school was supposed to be relatively safe,
but it trekked right over the school, and burst the skylight in the
gym. Tracy was there. Glass flew everywhere and the roaring maw was
right overhead for a few seconds. Many of the kids and adults panicked
and ran, and got cut on the broken glass, but no one was seriously
We have had one hurricane arive in Fairfax with hurricane force
winds still intact. That was scarier because the damage was so
widespread. We sat in the house for more than 24 hours while the winds
drove the rain horizontally, but our house and the trees protecting it
stood firm. Once I felt that the house was ok, the song of the
wind was rather soothing. Power was out everywhere for days. We cooked
on the camp
stove and ate the freezer stock for 4 days. We had loaded
it up with
freezer bricks and ice in containers before the storm so stuff would
stay cool if not frozen for several
days. Power was out in some spots for weeks.
Tornados seem so much more capricious, darting this way and
that, and often doing something surprising. When driving home from work
in the late summer, with thunderstorms brewing and tornado warnings on
the radio, I often see little funnels start to come down from the
clouds, but then change their minds and pull up again. My heart beats a
little quicker, and I feel more alive. Yes, I know they can kill me if
I am in the wrong place at the wrong time, and that knowledge brings a
little thrill of fear. But the drama and excitement they bring to my
life far outweigh the risk in my opinion. Posted 7/14/2005 at 11:32 PM |