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Shadowland: Redemption: Week 7

Exodus 7 starting with 6:28 Everywhere else in the Bible, this word is translated "sea monster" or "dragon". For this reason, J. Vernon McGee suggests that the rod was actually transformed into a crocodile rather than a snake. The translators chose "snake" because that is the word used in 7:15. However, I have additional reasons to believe McGee is wrong.

This miracle is the prelude to the plagues, and like the plagues it is a direct attack on the gods of Egypt. Apep was the Egyptian god of evil, chaos, and destruction. Every day, Apep attacks the sun god Ra - occasionally succeeding in the form of a storm or even an eclipse. Every day, he is slain - only to return to life the next to renew his attack.

Every morning, the Egyptian faithful would gather at the temple of Ra. The priests brought wax models of Apep and performed an elaborate ceremony detailed in "Banishing of Apep" with an accompanying liturgy of hymns and incantations.

  1. Spitting Upon Apep
  2. Defiling Apep with the Left Foot
  3. Taking a Lance to Smite Apep
  4. Fettering the god
  5. Taking a Knife to Smite Apep
  6. Putting Fire Upon Apep
Apep is usually depicted in Egyptian art as a serpent, but occasionally as a crocodile. Verbal pictures of Apep describe him as a huge serpent, several miles in length, living in the waters of Nun, the celestial Nile. Definitely a sea monster.

While the Egyptians had obviously lost much of the knowledge of the true God they had had just 450 years previous, notice the echoes of Genesis 3:15 in the Banishing of Apep.

Hapi was the Egyptian god of the Nile. Hapi is described as partly male and partly female with blue skin. Hapi brings the fertilizing rich black silt on which Egypt depended for food to the banks of the Nile. (This could be evidence that it was red silt rather than algae, as the plagues were designed to target Egyptian gods.) The annual flooding of the Nile was referred to as the "Arrival of Hapi" and was celebrated with great festivals and river processions. Every year, Egyptian farmers would travel to his shrines at Elephantine and Aswan to pray for an adequate flood and a fresh supply of silt. Too little water would cause famine, and too much flood water would be equally disastrous by limiting the sowing of fresh crops.